Operators of the BU800 will sense a whole new feel and experience when burnishing. A (stiffer) frame and nine vibration isolators have turned the operation of the BU800 into the smoothest burnishing experience in the market. With an updated, double-pivot pad-driver design, the BU800 burnishing pad stays in alignment and allows the pad to follow the floor contours, leaving a more consistent gloss. Combining the pad-driver design with the self-regulating pad pressure, operators have an easy to use, battery walk-behind burnisher that saves labor time and dollars. ¶¶Adding to the ease of operation is the self-lowering burnishing deck. When the palm switches on the handle are activated, the burnishing deck automatically lowers to the floor. When the palm switches are released, the deck automatically returns to a raised position. Simple controls also minimize training time of operators. Choose a 20 inch burnishing path, and either wet batteries for dependable long run time, or maintenance-free AGM gel type batteries for an even longer run time. ¶¶The onboard battery charger allows for convenient charging at any 120 Volt outlet so that operators don’t need to return the machine to a storage or charging area. The Advance BU800 battery burnisher delivers the smooth performance, consistent shine, and cleaner indoor air quality that is demanded by today’s customers.¶¶· Better site lines with shorter machine body than traditional burnishers¶· Easy to access dust bag¶· Heavy-duty Industrial caster wheels¶· Tip-back design enables easy pad changes¶· Traction drive model is transaxle driven¶· Flexible shroud and felt dust seal captures all dust
Advance BU800 Burnisher
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Advance BU800 Burnisher
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