Built with rugged metal construction and a high-powered 1.5 horsepower motor, the CFP Pro 20DS delivers Dual Speed rotating action for heavy-duty performance in a wide range of applications.¶¶The fingertip controls, safety lock-out switch and accessible cord wrap for the 50-foot safety yellow power cord maximize safety, simplify use, and expedite storage of this powerful machine.¶¶· Switchable 185/330 rpm dual speed¶· All-metal construction¶· 1.5 hp DC rectified motor with all-steel triple planetary gearbox¶· Pad Driver included with universal clutch plate¶· Easy-to-use, fingertip controls¶· Safety lock-out switch
Clarke Pro 20DS 20″ Electric Dual Speed Polisher
Đặt mua Clarke Pro 20DS 20" Electric Dual Speed Polisher

Clarke Pro 20DS 20" Electric Dual Speed Polisher
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