The Summit Pro® 18SQ offers great performance and value in a wet/dry vacuum. The high capacity tank and integrated front-mounted squeegee assembly with rearfoot pedal actuator allow high productivity water pick-up for big jobs. And when the need is for tools that can pick up dust and get into tight places, there is a complete tool kit with a 9ft hose and rugged stainless wand. A large onboard storage area resides in the handle assembly, making this one of the most versatile wet/dry vacuums available. Re-usable cloth filter makes this an ideal shop vac for woodworking.¶¶· High productivity ¶· 18-gallon capacity¶· Integrated 24 inch front-mounted squeegee assembly with pedal actuator¶· Includes 5 piece tool kit, 9-foot hose, and stainless wand with onboard storage ¶· 10-inch wheels permit easy stair climbing
Đặt mua Clarke Summit Pro 18SQ Wet/Dry Vacuum

Clarke Summit Pro 18SQ Wet/Dry Vacuum
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