CLEAN AND SANITIZE 2 WINE BARRELS AT ONCE WITH THE OPTIMA STEAMER SEII FROM STEAMERICA! Utilizing the custom barrel cleaning heads has proven to be faster and more effective than conventional barrel cleaning methods. Very user-friendly. No fumes, full safety controls3 phase power required. Quickly and easily remove dirt, stains, grease, odours, and pathogens. From a variety of surfaces while minimizing wastewater runoff. Perfect for Food and Beverage operations Production lines and conveyors Winery and brewery equipment. Medical and hospitality sanitation.
Optima SE-II 27,000 Watt Electric Food Grade Dry Steam Generator
Đặt mua Optima SE-II 27,000 Watt Electric Food Grade Dry Steam Generator

Optima SE-II 27,000 Watt Electric Food Grade Dry Steam Generator
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